Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Real Cost On An Addiction To Pain Meds


Millions of people around the globe end up developing an addiction to prescription pain meds. In the beginning stages of an addiction, many people are able to trick their doctors into believing that they are in more pain than they actually in order to secure prescriptions for increasing amounts of pain meds, such as Hydrocodone and Oxycodone. Eventually, however, a doctor is likely to start trying to reduce the amount of pills that they prescribed.

Once an addict is refused pain meds from his or her doctor, the addict will most likely restore to securing his or her supply of prescription medications from questionable sources. There are now hundreds of offshore online pharmacies supplying illegal prescription drugs to addicts. These illegal prescription drugs are often laced with contaminates and they also often contain unregulated amounts of the active ingredients. In addition, illegal prescription drugs can be very expensive and addicts often end up turning to a life of crime in order to fund their addictions.

Fortunately, with the right help, it is possible for a person to recover from an addition to Oxycodone HCL, Hydrocodone, Oxymorphone and various other pain meds. Unfortunately, however, professional rehabilitation centers can be very expensive and many people can not afford to pay for the professional help that they need.

Undergoing detox without medical supervision can be very dangerous, as the effects of withdrawal can be life threatening. Many addicts are aware of the fact that stopping their intake of pills suddenly, without medical supervision, is dangerous, but since they can't afford to pay for such supervision, they continue their addiction to prescription pain meds. There are some government funded prescription med addiction support programs around, but such programs are few and far between and almost none existent in rural areas.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

About Steroids – The Good And The Harmful

When it comes to steroids, there are actually two types: anabolic and corticosteroid. Between the two, anabolic is the one that’s been abused by body builders who want to build muscle fast. Corticosteroid steroids, on the other hand, are used to treat a variety of symptoms including arthritis, asthma, lupus, multiple sclerosis, eczema, rashes and certain types of cancer.

Steroids are also referred to as roids, stackers or juice. They’re really nothing more than body hormones. Cortisone and estrogen are common steroids. What do they do? They simulate male hormones in the body. The only time you should be using steroids is when you’re having delayed puberty, are having erection problems or are suffering from hypogonadism. Since steroid drugs can be misused, only a small number of them are accepted in the United States for animal and human use.

What are the long-term effects of steroids? In men, they can shrink testicles, cause balding and the formation of breasts. In women, they could impact the menstrual cycle. You only need to do some research on the Internet to know that it’s true. There are many male body builders who like women, and there are many women body builders who look like men after prolonged steroid use. It’s like steroids give you a free ticket pass to non-surgical gender reassignment.

If that’s not bad enough, steroids so cause real health problems. They can cause hypertension or high blood pressure, cause internal blood clotting, and increase your cholesterol levels. If you have three of those combined, they can cause heart failure. 

If you are using steroids stop using them right now and only use them according to the doctor’s direction. Steroids are actually non-addicting, however, some people’s unrelenting drive to build muscles do cause them to abuse the drug.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Shrooms And Getting Yourself Clean From Them

A lot of people that take shrooms don't get addicted, but that doesn't mean that others aren't able to get addicted to them. It may not be a physical addiction, but really you need to learn what to do to deal with a magic mushroom problem.

Know that you need to be ready to quit if you want to get off of any kind of drug. If you don't think that you have a problem, then you're not going to want to do anything to take care of it. When you can admit to yourself that you're dealing with some issues, then you can take on those issues and come out ahead. Think if you can make it through a long period of time without using. If you cannot, then you may have a problem and it is something you can find help for.

Once you decide you need help when you have a problem with shrooms, you should try to see if you can get into a rehab center. This is so that you can learn how to deal with life again without being high. Since this kind of a drug isn't physically addictive, you may be able to do outpatient treatment if you'd like to not have to stay in a facility for any given amount of time. Make sure you're ready to stay off of this drug for a long time so that you don't go back to your old ways.

As you can see, hallucinogens aren't great for you and are something you can get off of. Just take the time to use the great advice this article has given you. It will make you happy when you are able to take your life back from the sickness of addiction.